First Encounters With Javascript: My Time At The Foo Bar

17 Jan 2024

Coming into Computer Science a newbie has been overwhelming, to say the least. My experience with coding was minimal entering University, limited no further than a simple code that printed “Hello World” in C++. Now, however, my understanding for coding has grown tremendously. So far, I have already reviewed the basics of 5 languages: Python, Java, C, C++, and now Javascript.

Learning Javascript reminded me of learning Python in the sense that both languages are, at least to myself, not as difficult as most other languages. I learned that not only do I understand basic concepts due to my past year and a half in this degree, I enjoyed using this language. The syntax just makes sense to me. In addition to base Javascript, this module also covered ES6. ES6 introduced a wide array of methods that simplify code, boost readability, and offer additional functionality. I found ES6 to indeed improve readability and I was impressed to see how it compacted code. To be clear, I classify what I learned about Javascript as a crash course. It was all concepts I was familiar with and the lessons were fast paced. I hope to continue to expand my knowledge on Javascript and eventually other languages to add to my ever-growing roster.

What I feel like is helping is a system implemented by my software engineering professor dubbed “WODs”. Standing for “Workout of the Day”, I find the timed practice useful with exercising my familiarity with Javascript. I am put into a position where my time is precious; one wrong train of thought and I waste time. In all honesty, this style of teaching proves to be very heavy in workload. This is where I forsee trouble for me. While this style, also known as “athletic software engineering”, is engaging and challenging, the workload is daunting. Despite this concern, I am confident in myself; I look forward to the challenge and I will give it my all.

I found Javascript an enjoyable programming language. My prior knowledge of code helped me pick up the basics faster, allowing me to spend more time on more complicated concepts like recursion. The syntax is simple to understand and the learning curve is not as steep as other languages I have learned. Moving forward, I am excited to see what I can do with Javascript and how this class can expand my portfolio.