The Appeal of Software Engineering

18 Jan 2024

I am excited to learn the basics of software engineering. Creating software has always been an interest of mine since I was given my first computer (an old IBM laptop my dad patched up). While my career plan revolves around cybersecurity, I am also interested in freelance developing work. Of course, I would like to merge both interests together; I, however, am open to projects of any kind. Eventually, my goal is to develop useful software for different platforms. This is to say, I am not exactly sure what my eventual goal should exactly be, but I know software engineering is a skill I wish to hone.

I am hoping this software engineering course will prepare me for not only the coding aspect of Computer Science, but the career-focused aspect. Building a Linkedin, creating this portfolio, and even learning about slack-these were all things I would not know where to start on. Having this course as guidance is helping to ease these worries. The workload is still daunting, unfortunately, but my resolve is set. I would like to leave this semester with a better hold on my coding skills as well as an improvement in my study habits. The WODs allow me exercise and the resources provided on the ICS 314 website were helpful in following a structured lesson schedule. The general course structure is engaging as well. I feel as though the lectures are useful in both learning and retaining information. The constant practice serves as an opportunity to build good study habits as well. Consistency is the key to building and keeping habits, something this course offers a lot of.

Software engineering is a topic I am intruiged by. I would like to learn how programs work and what is needed to develop good programs. Eventually, I would like to develop programs of my own! These projects may even be on a larger scale. The course I am taking right now- ICS 314 -is a wonderful opportunity to bolster my understanding of software engineering and build my professional persona.